
Monday, September 6, 2010

Am I seeing spots before my eyes?

This month's Rachael Ray Everyday magazine, the Halloween issue, had lots of candy. and this really easy recipe for candy buttons. Unless raw egg whites scare you, these taste just like the ones I remember as a kid. I still buy them when I see them, my kids still like them, too! There's a bit of Peter Pan in all of us around here! I remember eating bits of paper with my buttons but who cared?

If you have egg issues, you could also use powdered egg whites, or pasteurized whites, instead. But then you couldn't use this silly egg separator I got online a while back. It just makes me laugh. It's pretty gross, but I used to work in a nursery school and do baking with the kids and they got a big kick out of Boogerboy Boris, the egg separator!

Ok, it's gross, but you laughed? It's definitely a conversation piece!

Then the recipe called for using ziploc bags to do the piping for the buttons. That's where I ran into trouble. I cut the hole too big, and I got colored egg white goo all over.

and I am sure it would have worked out perfectly, just like it did for Rachael ray in her magazine had I snipped a smaller hole. All I got was mess. But I did have one more thing to try. A friend sells Pampered Chef and she had given me a decorator bottle set, thinking it would be good for the nursery school kids. Well, it worked out really well for this 49 year old, too!

Perfect buttons...

Rows and rows of them!

Candy Buttons
adapted There's always Thyme to Cook

1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
1 egg white
3 drops food coloring, any color
3 drops food coloring, another color
2 zip lock plastic bags

Cut white paper into twelve 2 X 11 inch strips

Using an electric mixer, mix the egg whites and the powdered sugar until it becomes white, thick and creamy. Divide the icing into two small bowls and add three drops of color to each bowl. I used pink in one bowl and blue in the other bowl. Stir well and cover each bowl with plastic wrap until you are ready to use them.

Scrape the pink (or whatever color you use!) icing into a ziplock bag and squeeze all the icing to the bottom of the bag. Squeeze to get all the air out and then when you are ready, snip one very small corner off, but a very small tip of the corner. Pipe the icing out onto the paper in very small dots. About 3-4 dots across in even rows. When about a quarter of the pink icing is left, add the blue icing to the bag and continue piping dots. Let the candy buttons dry at room temperature until they are hardened, for about 12 hours or overnight. 

If fresh eggs are an issue in your area, you can use pasteurized egg whites from a carton, or powdered whites! Just follow the instructions for measurement on the package.


Joining Sally from Smiling Sally for Blue Monday. My first time!


  1. Hmmmm - looks like something to make for the little grandsons.

  2. What a fun post! Love the egg separator, gross but fun!

  3. I love dots too! Even with bits of paper :) It would be so fun to make them! Thanks a bunch for posting!

  4. You're just a big kid at heart!

    I knew what they were as soon as I saw the first pic. Loved 'em as a kid too.

  5. I saw these in the magazine, and knew some big kid would make them! Should have known it would be you :-) The egg separator is great!

  6. This is so much fun! They were one of my favorites as a kid and I haven't had these in ages! (And I never cared about eating a bit of paper either, lol!) :)

  7. Oh my - you never cease to amaze me, kiddo.

    (BTW - that egg guy is GROSS.)

  8. What a fun recipe! I love paper dots, and never knew they were so easy to make! I have to look for Rachel's magazine.
    I did chuckle at your egg sperator...all the little boys must have loved using!

    PS: I found the toasted wheat pasta!

  9. they look so cute ... looks like its fun to make this :)

  10. Oh, how fun! I like those sugar buttons. Great pictures, too.

  11. HaPpY first BLUE Monday Sweetie !!! Cool looking candies and yes I am afraid of egg whites myself. You did it soooo well..
    Hope to see you back next week too,,and hope to get to know you better ,,thanks for stopping by my blog..
    May you enjoy~~~ A Happy Week and May God's blessings be alllllll over you~~~Hugs Dena

  12. Very tasty looking blue dots! The egg separator is really funny and super gross! Happy Blue Monday!

  13. Wow, love those blue candy buttons. I want to try it.

  14. I don't know how I missed this post, but these dots are so funny and cute.

  15. Adorable. Love your choice of color...BLUE as in BB!

  16. I'm catching up with my Blue Monday greetings.

    Happy Blue Monday! Check out my book giveaway.

  17. These look so cool! I never thought of making these candies. That egg separator is hilarious!! Haha
    Would you mind checking out my blog? :D

  18. That egg separator is ingenious! and these candy buttons look so cute!(:

  19. Very cute. I need that egg separator, where did you get it??

  20. Boogerboy Boris looks about as gross as i image i do when using my neti pot - actually maybe grossier thanks to the egg whites - that thing took one incredible sense of humor to invent! i think the world would be a kinder place if more people have incredible senses of humor!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog for WW :)

  21. do I need to refridgerate them? how long do they keep for?

  22. Great post! You made me smile, hehehehe, I thought they were pills!

  23. They do not need to be refrigerated that I know of. I didn't, just left them overnight, in the morning they were exactly like I remember candy buttons. I guess they'll keep for a while, there's plenty of sugar. No clue really.

    Thanks for the comments :)

  24. I'm making a massive amount of these for my hubby's work party this Friday. I'm using waxed paper instead of regular paper in hopes that not too much paper will come off with the candy dots. I'll let you know how it goes. :)

  25. Thanks again for posting this recipe! I made over 5,800 candy dots for my husband's work party (yes, I'm crazy) and they turned out great! I wouldn't recommend using waxed paper though; it created a seal that didn't allow the dots to dry out completely, so they were more like semi-hardened icing dots. Still good though! Here's a link to my blog post that shows some pictures of the finished dots:

  26. Wow, you did an awesome job! I can't believe you had the patience to do almost 6,000 dots! I gave up after a few strips! Yeah, eating the paper is part of the charm :) Wondered about wax paper, sorry it didn't work 100%! But you are amazing! That was a great post!


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