
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Zucchini Spaghetti?

Last week I was playing around with the julienne slicer, and didn't snag one fingertip, always a good thing when playing with a slicer!  Although I have gotten clipped a couple times. We won't discuss that! We ended up with some sauteed zucchini with a little olive oil and some grated Parmesan for a really good side dish. The Parmesan and the oil made it kind of saucy.  It was very good, very easy, and we'll have it again like that, one of these days.

So today being a lazy, hazy and kind of gray Sunday, we went food shopping, and we had to eat what ever was in the frig to make more room. There was some more zucchini that needed to be used up. Note to self, zucchini goes pretty far, don't buy six at one time ever again! There is always at least two zucchini left over. And some nice vine tomatoes that were going to be too soft any minute.

Found some Parrano cheese way back in the frig, and grated it on top of the sauce. The Parrano gave it a great flavor! If you ever get a chance to taste Parrano, don't pass it up, it's a fantastic cheese. Sort of like Parmesan,  and like Gouda, it's mild and it grates well, melts well, and it's just so good!  A friend of mine brought some to a party this past June and we've all been addicted to it ever since.

So I roasted the tomatoes at 350° F for about an hour, with some garlic, salt and pepper and a drizzle of oil. Turned the heat off after an hour and let them sit in the oven to finish roasting, and put them in the food mill to get a very smooth, delicious sauce! I am getting plenty of use from that food mill, should have gotten it years ago! Not to mention that julienne slicer. Just saute the zucchini in a skillet with a little olive oil, salt and pepper for just a few minutes, don't turn it to mush. Then pour the tomato sauce on top and grate some cheese, any kind you like, on top and serve!

Joining Mary's Mosaic Monday. For more mosaic's stop by the Little Red House!
Zucchini Spaghetti
4 zucchini, trim the ends and julienne
2 tablespoons olive oil (for the pan)
salt and pepper, to taste
2 cups tomato sauce (homemade or store bought)
1 cup (or more) freshly grated cheese, Parmesan, Cheddar, Parrano, whatever cheese you like!

Saute the zucchini in a bit of olive oil, add a little salt and pepper to taste, don't cook the zucchini too long, you don't want it turning to much. Add the tomato sauce and grate a little cheese on top, and mix it in! Take it off heat and pour it into a nice bowl, and grate some cheese on top and serve!


  1. I think I need a food mill - I like the idea of those tomatoes.
    We are cheese lovers, but I have to admit that I buy more Danish and German cheeses than any others. I'll look for the Parrano next time.

  2. I love zucchini and pasta (but shouldn't have the pasta) ... looks like a way to fool myself into thinking I did!!!! Thanks for the recipe. Looks delicious.

  3. This is the second time I've seen a reference to zuchini spaghetti. It looks so good, especially with the sauce, I will try it, thanks!

  4. Looks so yummy, I love zuchini spaghetti.

  5. One more interesting way to use a zucchini! We still have an abundance of tomatoes, but alas, I will have to actually go to the store now and buy the zucchini. Thanks for this recipe...I will give it a try.

  6. The zucchini spaghetti sounds amazing!

  7. That looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  8. Sounds delicious! I prefer vegetables to meat any day, so will be trying this soon...may use a combination of zucchini, yellow squash and carrots with the roasted tomato sauce.

  9. How delicious this looks and an easy recipe to follow. I am going to look for Parrano cheese too!

  10. yumm, very interesting way to cook zucchini

  11. I have never had zucchini spaghetti - sounds like something I would like. I love a good pasta dish, salad and a thin, crunchy, garlic toast. Yum!
    Enjoy your week.

  12. Oh, that zucchini sounds so so good.
    We will have that for dinner tomorrow night..I have a great bread in the freezer...and a bottle of Blackberry wine in the fridge...Ummmmm...can't wait. Thanks a bunch for reminding me how good it is...

  13. This looks like a wonderful low calorie meal! I also like the way you made your sauce. I ahve to try this soon..thanks!

  14. Very easy, very tasty! I love this kind of recipes.

  15. This is something new, looks colorful and yummy.

  16. What a great use for zucchini! I'm glad to know about Parrano cheese...I'll have to look for it next time I'm at the market :-)

  17. I will be looking for the Parrano cheese. Everything looks delicious!


  18. You have a wonderful blog, chock full of recipes I would like to try! I've never heard of parrano cheese, will look for it at the specialty market in our area. Thanks for coming by to visit.
    ~ Sue

  19. You've almost convinced me to buy a food mill! What kind did you buy, Carol? This looks like a delicious way to use zucchini. I've never heard of parrano cheese either! Glad you didn't snap any fingertips :-)

  20. Looks like some good eatin' !!
    Thanks for the recipe.

  21. I will look for that cheese. I am not allowed to say the Z word in this house though!
    Looks delicious!

  22. Your zucchini spagetti receipt sounds very good,easy and good and one can eat surely a lot without gaining so much weight as with common spagetti. Thank you also for visiting my blog!

  23. Oh, my - your fresh ingredients has my mouth watering!

  24. Will have to look for that cheese - it looks familiar after I checked your link out.
    Glad to hear no fingertips were harmed in the making of this dish!


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