
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Balsamic Skirt Steak

Really simple and really fantastic. That's all I have to say. My husband would be happy if I stayed a woman of such few words for a while but that's never going to happen, nope never! LOL! 

Balsamic Skirt Steak with Zucchini
adapted by There's Always Thyme to Cook
Source: Martha Stewart - Everyday Food, September 2012
Printable Recipe

1 1/2 pounds skirt steaks, pounded thin; cut into 4 pieces
olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 zucchini, cut into half-moons
salt and pepper
3/4 cup balsamic vinegar

In a large skillet, on medium-high, heat about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the garlic and zucchini, season with salt and pepper, and sauté until zucchini is browned in spots and just softened, about 6-8 minutes. Transfer to a bowl.

Add remaining tablespoon oil to skillet. Season steak with salt and pepper and cook until browned, turn steaks over and cook to desired doneness. Transfer to a plate. 
Drain the fat from the skillet, then add the vinegar, salt and pepper, to taste. Cook, stirring, until reduced by about half, about 2-3 minutes. Add the steak to the pan for another minute to heat through. Serve the steak along with the zucchini. Drizzle the steak with more sauce and serve.

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  1. They look very tasty..thanks for sharing.

  2. This looks really good. I love Balsamic vinegar and put it on so many things!

  3. The steak looks delicious! Mi have never fried skirt steak. I do like balsamic.
    Hold the dreaded z things! :).

  4. Dear Carol. Skirt steak is my very favorite piece of beef. This looks delicious. Blessings, Catherine xo

  5. I would agree - simple and fantastic - REALLY fantastic - in fact it's dinner tomorrow - thanks!
    mary x

  6. Balsamic vinegar adds such a simple, yet complex, flavor. I love it in every recipe I've tried it in!

  7. I know I would LOVE this marinade. It looks wonderful.

  8. That sure does sound tasty, it's about dinner time here:@)

  9. I, for one, like your words! :)
    But you didn't need too many for this dish. Rich and dark with flavor. Looks great!

  10. Sometimes (especially on Firdays) I really like a good juicy stake! :)

  11. Thanks for suggesting tomorrow's dinner!

  12. My husband would love this, easy meals are the best.

  13. It looks so good I can almost smell and taste it through the screen!

  14. Sounds very tasty!! I love balsamic vinegar and garlic!!

  15. How perfect for a fall evening. This looks and sounds delicious.

  16. Keep the words coming! I would think there was something wrong otherwise ;)

    This looks fantastic, Carol, and nice to have a recipe to make indoors when the weather gets cold (too soon here!).

  17. This looks so very flavourful with balsamic.

  18. I love your words my friend, keep them coming :D
    This looks sooo delicious!

    Choc Chip Uru

  19. Looks very flavorful! Thanks for sharing at Foodie Friends Friday!

  20. I absolutely adore skirt steak! Your balsamic marinade looks delicious! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Please come back on Sunday to VOTE!

  21. yummmmm, salivating here. You always show the perfect looking steaks.

  22. This looks wonderful! I'm always looking for a new simple dishes!

    I would love it if you would share this on my new blog hop Simple Meals Friday! I know my readers would too. Thanks!

  23. Sounds husband would love it! Thanks for sharing this Carol!

  24. Sometimes you just don't have to say more! This looks wonderful.

  25. I don't think I have ever had skirt steak.

    1. Try it if you get the chance, has a lot of flavor. And it's a pretty versatile cut of meat.

  26. yet another recipe of yours pinned!

  27. It's been ages since I went veggie, but does the acidity in the balsamic vinegar help tenderise the meat? I was just wondering :) Also, love that pile of zucchini. You can't ever go wrong with zucchini :D

    1. It did I suppose. Skirt steak is a pretty tough meat compared to some, but has all the flavor. My kids choose it over any other steak.
      I'm with you, can't go wrong with zucchini, love it!

  28. Now we're talkin! Apologies to vegetarians but omg is there nothing better than a great steak?!!!
    Skirt steak is so under appreciated. It's fantastic.

  29. I must look into skirt steak. Sounds fantastic. Have a lovely week.

    PS If you have any lamb dishes it would be wonderful if you would link them in to Food on Friday - numbers are down this week - I hadn't realised that lamb wasn't popular in the US!

  30. Nice marinade and yeah, my husband probably wishes I were a woman of few words. Ha!

  31. What a great meal, your Skirt Steak looks amazing! Enjoy your weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  32. this looks great and he he my hubby would wish for me to be less talkative too

  33. It is only morning mere, but now you made me crave zucchini, haha.

  34. So simple! I'm always wary of balsamic glazes because I'm afraid the end result will be too vinegar-y, but I think they probably caramelize. Anyway, your dish looks great!

  35. simple and delicious.... i love this...
    Bye from Italy

  36. Another good one from Carol. My Weekend Cooking post is about Pinterest, and I made your Chicken Parm Meatballs which were a huge hit with the guys.

  37. That sounds luscious. Balsamic vinegar has been a recent addition to our repertoire and we really like it.

  38. The steak sounds so good... I know hubby would love this.

  39. Mouthwatering, finger licking steak! I would open my mouth only to devour it, lol!

  40. Sounds like an amazing dinner! I love that deep rich color of the meat - that spells GOOD to me!

  41. Could sirloin work or do you think it'd be too thick?

    1. I'd think it would be nice on any kind of steak! It had good flavor.

  42. Wow that is simple and sounds delish! I LOVE balsamic vinegar. I definitely need to try this.

  43. That looks delicious! I love anything with vinegar!!

  44. I love a good piece of beef. This looks so delicious. I wish I were having this for my supper tonight.

  45. This sounds wonderful and love how simple it is. Sounds like a good one for me to add to my easy weeknight menu plan! Yummy!!

  46. Ooh yummy, my husband would love this recipe :) It looks so flavorful!!


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