
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cinnamon Bun Pancakes. Crazy Good.

It's been a long, long time since I made a really good Sunday Breakfast. So when the big kid asked, I couldn't refuse. I saw these pancakes over at Kitty's Kozy Kitchen except Kitty's were pumpkin. And they looked amazing! I didn't have pumpkin so I checked out the link for Recipe Girl's original recipe. My guys like a big breakfast so I doubled the recipe. Made just enough.
My husband had one bite and said they were "crazy good!"
And he was eating the practice ones that came first!

Not getting the hang of it yet...

Practice makes perfect?

They really did taste like Cinnamon Buns!

Cinnamon Bun Pancakes

1/2 stick (4 tablespoons) unsalted butter, just melted
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon

4 tablespoons unsalted butter
2-ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil

Preheat an oven to warm setting.

PREPARE THE FILLING: Stir together the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Pour the filling into a quart-sized heavy zip baggie and set it aside to set. It should be thick. It may separate, just stir it again. Put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes after stirring. When it's ready to use cut just a small tip of the corner off the baggie.

PREPARE THE GLAZE: In a small pan, heat the butter over low heat until melted. Turn off the heat and whisk in the cream cheese until it is almost smooth. Sift the powdered sugar into the pan, stir and add in vanilla extract. Set the pan aside while you make the pancakes.

PREPARE THE BATTER: In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk in the milk, egg and oil, don't stir too much, a few small lumps are okay.

COOK THE PANCAKES: Heat a large, nonstick skillet over medium and spray with nonstick spray or wipe with a little butter. Use a measuring cup or a ladle to about a 1/4 cup of batter to the pan. When your pancake begins to form bubbles, add the filling. Take the baggie of cinnamon filling and squeeze it to get the filling into the snipped corner. Starting at the center of the pancake, squeeze the filling on top of the pancake batter in a circular swirl. Cook the pancake until the bubbles start to pop on top of the pancake and it's golden brown on the bottom edges. Slide a thin, wide spatula underneath the pancake and quickly but gently flip it over. Cook until the other side is golden as well, about 2-3 minutes. Transfer cooked pancakes to a baking sheet and place it in the oven to keep warm. Wipe out the pan with a paper towel, and repeat with the remaining pancake batter and cinnamon filling. Proceed with the rest of the batter until you’re done. Re-warm the glaze briefly, if it gets too thick.Top each stack with a drizzle of cream cheese icing and serve.

I'm joining



  1. Sounds like a great breakfast! Sausage looks pretty good too:@)

  2. They look yummy, kind of like having dessert for breakfast. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Hope you are having a great week :)

  3. Whoa....these look and sound really good. A MUST TRY, for sure...:)

  4. They look wonderful! I copied the pumpkin ones from Kitty's blog, and they are the menu for next weekend.

  5. I've had these on my radar for a while now and have been saving them for a special morning occasion...but really, I should just make them already!

  6. What a sensational way to start the day!

  7. They look sooo good, Carol! Thanks for the shout-out, too.

  8. Bookmarked! My kids will LOVE these!

  9. Holy cow those look awesome!! If I made these I don't think I could stop eating them.

  10. Yum! That made me hungry. Happy WW! I played too. Mine are here and here.

  11. How come I never thought of of that? GREG

  12. Oh yum, I love these pancakes to bits :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  13. They sound delicious! I bet the kids would love them! I have one who picks the blueberries out of the pancakes!

  14. That's like the perfect breakfast!

  15. These look delicious! My husband just saw them and wants them tomorrow morning! Thank you for sharing on the FFF link party - Jutta
    Don't forget to come back Sunday to vote!

  16. Hi Carol,
    What wonderful pancakes! Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  17. These sound amazing, Carol! I happen to know another husband who would think these are crazy good too ;)

  18. Carol, these sound so delicious! I am definitely pinning these! Thanks for joining Foodie Friends Friday! Please come back on Sunday to VOTE!

  19. No! I've just had dim sum for breakfast and now I want these too!

  20. I had breakfast already but these pancake pictures make me hungry again :D

  21. Oh wow! Where's my plate?? These look totally amazing. I think I'd be saying crazy good too.

  22. Oh dear, these look delicious! I can see that they'd be perfect for a special breakfast... I'm going to bookmark this recipe for Christmas morning. YUM!

  23. OMG! I was salivating at the title. Must make these. Yum!

  24. Weekends are the perfect time for pancakes - these look amazing!

  25. Bring them on! I will just get bigger pants :-) Seriously, they look delicious,

  26. My mouth is watering just thinking about all that sugar and butter! Not to mention I love cinnamon anything!

  27. Carol, how tempting - luckily I have had breakfast already! Hope your weekend is great.

  28. I love the idea of these. I am afraid I would eat way too many. Happy weekend.

  29. Those are so pretty -- what a great fall breakfast!

  30. Carol, those look delicious! I don't blame your husband for eating the practice's a tough job...someone has to do it! :)

  31. Practice makes it perfect, I was trying to prepare scrambled eggs with sprats on toast that'd look nice like 5 times. But finally today I was happy with it :) I love the name of the post and I love that it's crazy good :D

  32. Ummmm... yum! Those look delicious!

  33. Carol,this is re-inventing pancakes!!! They look amazing!

  34. Whoa Carol!! These pancakes look amazing!! They're gonna be a hit in my mini household. hehe.. :D

  35. This is just the best take on a classic. Awesome!

    chow :) Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  36. This is such a cool idea. I love pancakes and I love cinnamon buns so I guess eating these is just double the pleasure!

  37. Oh amazing! Bookmarked - like double bookmarked :) This sounds right up my alley for an indulgent Sunday breakfast (I usually do the green smoothie thing so I like to treat myself on Sundays).

  38. Hi, I'm visiting from Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday. I saw your recipe also was featured and wanted to check it out, especially since breakfast is one of my favorite meals (since I suppose dessert doesn't count as a meal). But what do you know, you can have dessert at breakfast with this recipe! :)

    I'm going to have to try making an egg free, dairy free version (food allergies) of these sinfully sweet sounding pancakes that my family and I can all enjoy can all enjoy. Yum!

    -Devin @ Nom Yum & Free

  39. It looks great and your food taster seems to agree too!

  40. This look so yummy! Cinnamon rolls are my favorite thing to make in the fall and so I am very excited about these pancakes! I would love if you would come share it at my new linky party, FriDays Made Sweet! at

  41. These look delicious - what a great idea!

  42. Crazy good... can't get better than that! I will make these soon!

  43. Wow, no need for maple syrup... That is crazy
