
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shellfish Allergies...NOT!

For fifteen long years I was allergic to shellfish. Started with a few hives, and got worse from there. That was that. But then a couple months ago I got a reaction to penicillin and decided to visit the allergist to see what was what. Scratch test for allergies. I had high hopes that maybe I wasn't allergic to shellfish any more. But my arm got red. Really red. It got itchy. Really itchy. Hives. And I was so disappointed. Then the doctor came in and was I shocked to find out that it wasn't the food arm causing the trouble. It was the environmental arm. The ragweed and pollen. That was a surprise. Passed test one for the shellfish. Then a blood test. Passed test two. Then test three, some baked clams and a lobster roll for a three hour lunch at the doctor's office. I was thrilled to find that I didn't need Benadryl for dessert! So now I have been making up for 15 long years. And it's all as good as I remember!

Not much cooking since the hurricane. Finally getting back to normal so I decided to make an old favorite in our house. Crab Cakes. Finally without the FAKE crab  :)
It was worth the wait!

Crab Cakes
Source: Cindy -- recipe from the Manhattan New School Cookbook

1 egg
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
pinch cayenne pepper
dash Tabasco sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pound fresh or canned lump crabmeat
2 tablespoons minced cilantro
12 unsalted white soda crackers -- crumbled
1/2 stick butter
4 tablespoons peanut oil
2 lemon wedges
plain bread crumbs
fresh ground pepper

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon cilantro -- finely chopped
2 tablespoons hot sauce

Mix the egg in a large bowl. Add mayo, mustard, cayenne, Tabasco, salt, and pepper. Continue mixing until creamy. Add crabmeat, cilantro, and crumbled soda crackers. Toss lightly but mix thoroughly. Divide mixture into 8 portions: shape into small patties and pat with bread crumbs. Refrigerate for one hour. 
For Spiced Mayo: blend together the mayonnaise, cilantro, and hot sauce until creamy.

Fry crab cakes in butter and oil, turning once. Brown the cakes on each side. Serve with lemon wedges and Spiced Mayo on the side.

I'm joining



  1. What a wonderful thing to discover, Carol! My husband developed a shellfish allergy out of the blue and while he was never tested, we wondered if it had an environmental root. He has since been able to carefully dip back into eating it and hasn't had any issues so far. Your testimony along with his should be encouraging to my stepchildren who have experienced some allergies to it, as well. Maybe there's hope for them! Thanks for sharing this. Your crab cakes look amazing!

  2. Congratulations on not being allergic to shellfish anymore. =) Thanks for sharing this recipe. I haven't tried cooking crabmeat yet but I'll try this the next time I see crabs on sale at our market. :)

  3. My husband developed an allergy to cashews after going on a binge. He can't eat much without getting a rash now. Hopefully after years of going without he might be able to handle it, but he's not allergic to other nuts, so he'll eat those. Nice to know that you can eat the shellfish again.

  4. What totally wonderful news!! I would be eating shellfish like a mad woman if I were you. These crab cakes look perfect, I have never attempted to make them before but you may have inspired me! I am going to pin this for later.

  5. How lucky you are... I have a friend who would be thrilled to be over her allergy to seafood! The crab cakes look amazing.

  6. These are such wonderful news Carol! I know how it is not to be able to eat something! It is always taht that you long for! Human nature I guess! I am not allergic so I think I am going to have these without any hesitation!

  7. It is fantastic that you can eat shellfish now. I like that you used cilantro in both the cakes and the sauce.

  8. Wow, that's amazing news. If I were you, I'd be gorging on shellfish! Enjoy your weekend, Carol!

  9. I love crabcakes.. though never tried making them at home. This recipe will be very useful :) Thanks.

  10. Great news. Now you can have all the shellfish that you've been missing. I, for one, love crabs. Your crab cakes are so inviting.

  11. Congrats and great news! I love crab cakes and can not imagine living without eating crab meat. There is nothing better than Maryland Crab Cakes but I will try your recipe. Thanks for sharing, have a great evening and a happy weekend!

  12. Very tasty! Within the last year or two, I noticed that my throat gets itchy after eating shrimp, but luckily I don't notice anything after eating lobster or crab.

  13. So glad things got cleared up for you! Man it's been so long since I've had crab cakes, they are soooooo good-enjoy:@)

  14. OMG, I would die without shellfish! Happy to hear you can eat it now! Enjoy those crabcakes they look delicious!

  15. I'm so happy you can finally enjoy all the marine creepy-crawlers, Carol!! I love seafood, I can not possibly imagine abstaining from it..Your crabcakes look delicious in combination with the spicy mayo, what a tasty comeback!Hope everything is getting back to normal in your area after Sandy...

  16. YAY for seafood my friend, I have heard it is so tasty :D
    Your crabcakes look awesome!

    Choc Chip Uru

  17. What a treat! I love crab cakes, but don't have them any more since my husband was diagnosed with a shellfish allergy. (Maybe I should encourage him to be retested too!)

  18. Congratulations! A nice gift to be able to enjoy again.

    I used Cathy at Wives with Knives crabcake recipe. Excellent.
    Your crab cakes look very good. Lobster? Who can afford that!

  19. I am so happy to hear you don't have to miss out on a food favorite anymore. It's got to be the most terrible thing to cut out favorite foods. Crab cakes are favorite of mine, and I can't wait to make these. Thank you for sharing at Foodie Friends Friday.

  20. Your crab cakes like delish. I may have to try them. Linda/Dahlianut

  21. Your recipe makes me soooooo hungry! Your crabcakes look so good!

  22. Sometimes it's the little things in life - like shellfish that make us the most happy :) I'm so glad you can eat them again!! Your crab cakes look delicious. Now I'm craving crab cakes.

  23. Carol, I am thrilled for you! Now I can't wait to see all the seafood recipes you will post!

  24. Oh yay! I'm SO happy for you!!!

  25. What a nice surprise at the allergist! Enjoy that shellfish. :)

  26. That's such a nice surprise! Now you get to eat seafood to your heart's content... (do you live near water? hope so!)

  27. I love good crab cakes and your recipe look delicious. Hopefully you are enjoying the flavor of the real crab meat. Have a great week!
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

  28. Fantastic! I must make me some crab cakes! Have a good week.

  29. Allergies do change over time, hopefully I'll get less allergic to green stuff outside. I tried crab cakes last weekend and the were wonderful.

  30. How wonderful that your allergy is gone, and your crab cake looks amazing!

  31. I'm glad it's gone bc those are some golden delicious looking cakes!

  32. Love crab cakes. Just had some the other night. Glad your shellfish allergies are no more!

  33. That's cool! My husband is allergic to red meat which is a pain. But he got so sick that he doesn't even want to eat it anymore.

    Glad you got to eat real crab cakes!

  34. Happy to hear your life is getting back to dome normalcy. Great way to enjoy crab cakes. I never would have thought to do this; smart.

  35. Wow! Don't your crab cakes look gorgeous. Yay you for being able to eat seafood again.

  36. I'm so glad you're back! I've been thinking of you often and wondering how you are doing. Your crab cakes look amazing and I know my hubby would love them. Glad you didn't turn out to be allergic to the fish after all. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!

  37. I'm so happy for you,life without crab cakes is only half a life!
    I would eat crab cakes every day if possible, your recipe has been filed away for next summer.

  38. You must be in 7th heaven! Congratulations!!!

  39. Yum, one of my favorite meals. It's so strange how allergies come and go. I used to be allergic to chocolate until I was in my 20's. Sure glad that passed. It's great that you can eat seafood again, Carol.

  40. Hi Carol,
    We just love Crab Cakes and your Crab Cakes look wonderful! Hope you have a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  41. How terrific for you! Thank you for sharing the recipe for crab cakes. I love crab, but don't think I've had crab cakes and have wanted to try them :)

  42. I'm allergy to crabs and shellfish too and wonder if this will work for me too.

    1. I went to an allergy doctor. She did a scratch test, then a blood test, then a supervised taste test for over three hours with no reaction.

  43. I am so glad that you found out that you are not allergic to shellfish...and your crab cake look great...I cannot ever get tired of them.
    Have a great week!

  44. Hmmm. I should go get an allergy test.

  45. great crabcakes isn't crab amazing and pleased your back after the storm

  46. Your crabcakes look so good, Carol! That's great that you can enjoy them, now! I'm bookmarking this recipe- thanks. Allergies are part of life. For me, it's chocolate (notice no chocolate recipes on my blog), ragweed & oak pollen. Allergists are so helpful!

  47. wow that's good news. These crab cakes look divine!

  48. Whay good news! I would be lost without being able to eat fish and shellfish as it is among my favorite foods! Your crab cakes look fabuous--my daughter's favorite!

  49. Those look delicious. Yay for no shellfish allergies!
    I once made similar crabcakes to share with my cat (from a book of recipes for cats). She didn't like that one very much, but she did like the similar codcakes I made a week or so ago :)

  50. Oh wow I can't believe you thought it was shellfish and it was actually environmental allergies! These look delish, great match of ingredients.

    1. It was a shellfish allergy originally. After many years I got re-tested and out grew the shellfish allergy only to find that now I was allergic to pollen and ragweed :)

  51. Well, whoohoo, sort of. I mean, it can't be fun to be allergic to anything. We hope you suffer so mildly that you don't notice :-)

  52. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ashok! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas as well!

  53. That'great news,dear Carol!I am sure these crab cakes are delicious!
    Many kisses from Greece!

  54. What a great news, my hubby is allergic on shellfish, maybe we should check it as well :)

  55. Your crab cakes look so good Carol. I'm very happy you're able to enjoy them again.

  56. Look at all that amazing food and photos!

  57. Thank you all for the nice comments!

    Wishing everyone that celebrates a very Merry Christmas and a happy healthy New Year. Best wishes!

  58. Wonderful news. I am allergy to shellfish, I should check with a doctor.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  59. Just came back to wish you a wonderful Christmas day.

  60. Yum! So glad to pop in to wish you happy holidays and here this great news, although I have to say I am a little concerned that you haven't done another post since!! Sure hope all is well and it's just the hectic holiday season that has kept you away!

    1. Thank you, Martha! All is well here, just hectic with the holidays and family and all. Will be back posting in the New Year!

  61. Thank you all for the sweet comments. I wish you all happy holidays. Best wishes in the New Year!

  62. Excellent news. I have avoided turkey since 1986 though it did sneak into me on two Thansgivings when we ate out. Never got tested. Who knows. Merry Christmas

  63. Just missing you lately and I wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy and healthy New Years!

    1. Thank you, Eileen! Wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year!

  64. I thought I had left a comment here, but I can't find it. Capt. Dementia strikes again.
    Happy New Year Carol!

  65. Replies
    1. Doing ok here, Miranda! Just really busy at home :) Thanks for thinking of me! Hope all is well by you. Happy and healthy New Year!

  66. Happy new year,dear Carol!All the best to you and your lovely family!
    Many kisses from Greece!

    1. Thank you, Lenia. Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy new year!

  67. I've popped over a bunch of times hoping for some news from you. Sure hope all is well. We miss you here in the land of blogs!

    1. Thank you so much, Martha! All's well here, just busy with family, winter college break and life in general. I hope to be back posting soon.

  68. Congratulations on not having a shellfish allergy...
    The crab cakes look great :)

    And I hope you are enjoying the new year.

  69. Carol, I keep coming back here to see what's cooking. Please, don't feel rushed :) Hope everything's going well for you. xo

  70. Not much cooking lately, Sol :) Doing fine here, some Hurricane Sandy repairs still, and now we're in for a big snow storm, depending on which track we get. We lose power these days when it drizzles, so we're prepared. Hope all is well by you!

  71. Glad to see all is well. I hope you weathered the snow storm ok. We were buried.

    1. Not too bad for us with the snow, got a foot and dug out pretty quickly. East of us got 2 1/2 ft and diggimg out was terrible. We're getting rain now. Hope you've dug out and that all is well!

  72. OMG, I can't imagine a worse allergy for me, as I'm not a huge meat eater! Have a lobster!

    1. LOL, I did have lobster and everything else, I have made up for lost time very well!

  73. Missing your blog posts! Hope all is well in your corner of the world!

    1. Thanks Julie! All's well here, just busy with family stuff. I'll be back blogging soon! Hope all is well with you and yours :)


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