
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mosaic Monday and convenience in a can...

ok, I went for it. I'm admitting it, I'm easily swayed by the words NEW or IMPROVED. Well, maybe not so much improved but definitely new. and when the Seattle Times Online Food Section came into my inbox with the headlines BATTER BLASTER, I had to check it out! I did love cheese in a can. I still do. This had to be pretty good. Or so I thought.

Here's the first attempt! Starting off, I pretty much stunk at pancakes in a can. but it gets better. A little.

We're getting there. I finally figured it out, SHAKE THE CAN!

There's always the good side and the not so good side of a pancake. Why is that?

Miss Picky saw the can and said "EWWWWWWWWWW!" right from the start! She may be right this time.

So here they are good side up! They were ok. No real mess, no mixing bowl, no spoon. We'll take the mess next time. Even Miss Picky likes pancakes from scratch. Or at least a mix! and by the way, the bacon...precooked for the microwave. What can I say, sometimes easy is ok. Just not from a can. Unless it's cheese!

I wonder if they'll decide to add different flavors. Blueberries from a pressurized aerosol can would probably be a little dangerous. At least in my kitchen!

I'm joining Mosaic Monday with Mary from The Little Red House. My mosaic is Sunday Breakfast...

Be sure to stop by the Little Red House to see all the other excellent mosaics this week!

Click HERE for the original posts labeled "breakfasts" in the mosaic!

These are the printable recipes...

Chocolate French Toast

Cinnamon-Bun Filled Pancakes

Garden Frittata


  1. I laughed when I saw this. I tried it several months ago. I was not impressed. Passable but not ideal.

  2. Oh, Carol, I just knew you would try this! Sorry it wasn't as good as pizza in a can! ;-) Thanks for testing and reviewing.

  3. Oh dear, as easy as pancakes or french toast are to make, why would they make pancakes in a can? What is this world coming to? he he Have a wonderful week, and be sure to stop by and visit sometime!

  4. Oh ... I think I'll stick to conventional

    About the only good thing that comes out of an aeresol can is whipped cream!

    Your breakfast looks yummy -- good idea for a mosaic!

  5. PS The link to the mosaic recipes isn't working keeps bringing me back to the original page. I'd love to see them! Thanks!

  6. My main blog is here.
    Hahaha! I got a laugh of this! I'll stick to the pancake in the box or better yet from the freezer in an instant!

  7. Thanks, Pat! It's fixed :)

    LOL, we're sticking to the frozen or the mix from now on! Thanks for the all the comments!

  8. I laffed when I saw this too as I tried it and had the same results... Pancakes shouldn't be that hard to make even if you do get the hang it it for that price... Also I burned a couple because of the sugar content in the batter... Yeah.. I make really easy and great homemade! YUMMY mosaic for sure!
    Delicious Mosaic! Have a great week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  9. What a great theme for a mosaic. That chocolate french toast looks yummy!

    I've never heard of batter in a can, but after your review, I doubt that I will run out and buy it any time soon.

  10. How funny! I had not heard of these! Your breakfast mosaic is very yummy looking! Happy week!...Debbie

  11. Hey Carol, at least you're always willing to give new things a try.

    I was a little skeptical about the pancake batter in a can when you first told us about it. .... You never know unless you try. :)

    Beautiful breakfast mosaic ... gorgeous frittata.

  12. How fun! I dare say I probably won't try it, but I love to watch others try out things to see if their kitchen doesn't explode! Blueberries...yeah, I think that might be rather volatile. I'm all for easy. I usually have scrambled eggs and oatmeal for supper. So you see I'm not very versatile. Or exotic. What a cute mosaic idea!

  13. I've never tried "Batter Blaster"...the photo mosaic sure does look yummy though...especially since I haven't had my breakfast yet!
    Happy Mosaic Monday!

  14. I liked the batter blaster! I thought the pancakes came out really light and airy. I won't buy again only cuz it's so expensive and only get about 10 out of it. Oh well, gotta try right? Love the mosaic...and that french toast!

  15. Holy smokes -- I didn't even know there was such a thing as Batter Blaster. How funny! It looks as if you got the hang of it . . . but I agree that good pancakes are worth the mess.

    Love your mosaic ... on Sundays I'm coming to YOUR house for breakfast!

  16. Good grief! What will they think of next.... I am coming to your house next Sunday! LOL Sharon

  17. This is the kind of thing you just have to try..ONCE~ lol My tried some and my Mom said they were a disaster! Maybe she didn't shake. I know you make a great breakfast..I've seen the evidence.

  18. Even with homemade batter the first pancakes never turn out as good as the rest. I wonder why that is?

    Thanks for the consumer report :)

  19. Pancakes in a pan. Oi. Somethings are best left uninvented ;) Thanks for trying it out for the rest of us though, so we don't have to!

    I get hungry every time I load your site and that lovely quiche pops out at me. *sigh*

  20. thanks for sharing your efforts. The end results look delicious!

  21. LOL, Carol, pancakes in a can..who knew..
    You know who would be should post it there just to get a reaction..:)
    Hot enough for you???

  22. Pancakes in a can? Um, no thanks. But Chocolate French Toast? I'm drooling at the very thought... :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your story at Mosaic Monday. :)

  23. Goodness, I never knew there was such a thing as pancakes in a can! I think I need to get out more!! lol! The chocolate french toast looks delicious!

  24. Saw it in an end of aisle display at Whole Foods last week. I said to Mike "look spray butter!" Not quite, lol. The thought of either one was pretty eww wee. Thanks for confirming it, lol.

  25. We were sucked into buying this product too. They were promoting it at our state fair last year and gave out coupons. Live and learn. ~ Robyn

  26. I'm glad you tried I know I can skip by it in the grocery! lol
    You can be the S&S Official Researcher and Tester!! lol

  27. My husband purchased 3 cans in the package at Cosco and we ended up throwing them away after I served them one time. Once was enough for me:)

  28. Yummy-looking breakfast mosaic!

    And Carol, thanks for sacrifing your taste buds to canned pancakes! I will have to try this product soon.


    But, just between us, I will admit to being a fan of Cheez-Whiz in a can.


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