
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mosaic Monday! And puppy makes three!

My son left with his friends yesterday afternoon to buy a pair of new sneakers. He came home with Max. Not Air Max, Air Jordan or anything else that resembled a sneaker. He came home with a Beagle puppy. Surprise! Shock would be a good word.

He called first to say he "accidentally" went into the Pet store. and just couldn't leave this puppy behind. I told him to get out of that store as fast as he could. He wasn't listening. He said "a cute Beagle puppy," I said "NO" and then somehow those words came out, the subtle, little signal that in his mind was the go ahead, "A Beagle? I love Beagles!" But "no, no, NO, we can't have another dog here. Get out of that store NOW!" He said fine. and somehow I knew that he was not driving home with just a couple of friends, he was bringing home a permanent guest. Dad wouldn't be very happy. He wasn't very happy the other three times we surprised him! At least not at first!

Guess who's staying?

So meet Max. Max Marvin. It just had a ring to it. I think.

and puppy makes three...

This is one and two...



Joining Mary at the Little Red House for another fun Mosaic Monday! Stop by to see all the Mosaics this week!


  1. Does he like Chinese takeout?

    Awwww, Max, you're a lucky puppy to find such a good home!

  2. Looks like Max found a great home. I love puppies.

  3. Oh, :D kiss those sweet ears!
    Look at those little white feet!
    The eyes to melt steel!
    He has my heart and you my friend, have my sympathy. Beagles are a fun breed They so love to chase and dig.

    I love this word verification for this comment.

    barkinv That's me, I got barkinv!

  4. Carol, you have three sweet dogs! Bless your heart :-) My grandparent's favorite dog was a beagle Daisy Mae. I know you will fall in love over and over with Max!

  5. Max is adorable.......just be soooo verrrry happy it wasn't two! We have two tiny, tiny chi-weenies (almost 2 months old) that are underfoot all the time. The are only a less than 3 lbs. right now and the cats are always stalking them like they are mice! I am more a cat person than a dog person, give me cats any day. How are Trixie and Chip with Max invading their space?

  6. I am speechless! 3 dogs.?? I know someone who has 3 dogs, LOL!

  7. Carol, Max is so cute ... I, also wondered what Trixie and Chip think of Max. ... I hope they welcomed him with open paws and don't feel the need to be too bratty or assertive.

  8. He is a cutie!! He's going to be a cuddler, I can just picture him warming up to Larry very quickly!

  9. What a face! Those eyes, those ears, I can't imagine not being in love - except maybe at 3:00 am this morning when he's crying! Oh my gosh, you're a grandmother - LOL!

  10. Beagles make such good pets. I love little Max's sweet face. I think he has a wonderful new home.

  11. Awwww, so cute & so lucky! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  12. Awww...who could resist that face!!

  13. I love his name, and what a cute face! Love his soft brown color, too!

    Happy Thanksgiving Carol!

  14. Oh he's so cute! No wonder he couldn't leave without him. ~Jeanne

  15. There really isn't anything cute than a beagle puppy. I had to be pried out of a pet store before we got Jigs when a cute little guy like that was staring back at me. I still think of that puppy and hope he got a good home. I think Max will fit right in..but then again I don't have to potty train him! lol

  16. Your husband just has to love little Max. How could anybody resist that sweet sweet face. Good luck! Sharon

  17. What a QT ;-)
    I hope all three will get along together. I do love Beagles. That said, they can be hard-headed determined little guys that try one's patience. Best of luck to ALL of you! Thanks for visiting each of my mosaics this week. Molly and I have just returned from a wonderful walk to Dog Beach where she played with many fur-friends in and out of the water. I plan to take her to the groomer this afternoon so she'll be clean, soft and sweet smelling for the holidays ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  18. I know how this can happen. I once had a kitten who attached itself to me and "followed me home" from the pet store. We had him for 18 years.
    Beagles are so sweet.

  19. Welcome home little Max Marvin. beagles are wonderful dogs. Enjoy.

  20. What a cutie pie! Oh, I can tell you love him already! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Enjoy your baby!

  21. Max is such a little cutie patootie! I am glad to hear he is doing so much better healthwise. Is he chewing everything up yet :)

    Trixie and Chip look pretty mellow for having their quiet life interrupted by a rambuctious puppy :)


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