
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mosaic Monday! Breakfast!

Joining Mary at the Little Red House for Mosaic Monday! Check out Mary's blog and see all the Mosaic's this week!

We're having Sunday breakfast this New Year's weekend. Could be pancakes, maybe French toast, or a frittata. No one is awake yet, so breakfast will end up being more like a brunch. or not!

Back to work tomorrow after a nice long vacation. I could use another week!

Recipes from this picture include...

Chocolate French Toast
Cinnamon-Bun Filled Pancakes

Wishing you all a very happy and a healthy New Year for 2010!


  1. Carol, you could make me breakfast any time! Everything looks fantastic as I am drinking my protein drink for breakfast!

  2. Make mine French toast, soggy, please. :) Even though I regularly make breakfast for my husband, I always eat the same breakfast ... V-8, a protein bar, and yogurt; then I feel less guilty when I don't eat so healthy later on in the day.

    Carol, all of your options look and sound delicious.

  3. Thanks for commenting on my cotton shots today and I sure wish you had another week off from work. Stay warm as it is so cold here I keep thinking I am back in NY:)

  4. Carol, can I have one of each? I'll just load up on carbs to stay warm! I wish you had another week off :-)

  5. Oooh, I am hungry now!

    What a super mosaic--Happy New Year to you! Best wishes in 2010!

  6. Aren;t these winter breaks wonderful to linger over a delicious breakfast. Mmmm Good! back to work for us tomorrow too. ~Jeanne

  7. I am putting in my order -- do you spose you could mail it and make sure it arrives piping hot :)

    Great mosaics!

    Stop by if you get a chance--
    TTFN~~Claudia ♥ ♥

  8. yummy breakfast to start the day.

    happy 2010!

    mine's here

  9. It does look like a yummy breakfast. I am with you about needing another week. I am off to work this morning though.
    Wonderful mosaic.

  10. Jeez! It looked heavenly yummy :)

  11. Everything looks DELICIOUS ;-)
    I'm reminded how happy I am to be RETIRED so I don't have to return to work today. I'll be making tamales with my sister on Thursday. We usually do it earlier but didn't have time this year. I can hardly wait! Happy Mosaic Monday! I shared Neighborhood Shadows at Sacred Ruminations this week.
    Hugs and blessings,

  12. I don't know why I never saved your Chocolate French Toast recipe before but it's in my recipe file now! It looks so good just like everything else in your mosaic.

  13. Are you kidding me? Chocolate French toast? Oh that is so awesome. I never would have thought of that. What a great way to start the day.

  14. Chocolate French toast? OMG. Pass the syrup. (Adding insult to injury!)

  15. Hi Carol,
    I have a fabulous Award for you come by and visit so you can receive it. Follow the direction and pass it on.

  16. Chocolate french toast? Yes, please! Have a happy week!

  17. Looks so yummilicious! I will settle for pancakes for breakfast.

    Stay warm!

  18. Mmmmm I'd love to have breakfast at your house!

    Hope the first day back was a good one!

  19. It's 5:48am as I read this, and my mouth is watering. Could you come and make me breakfast? lol Thanks so much for sharing at MM. :)

  20. Always love your breakfasts, Carol. I've actually used many of your recipes, although I RARELY make a nice breakfast!


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