
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kale Chips

So these are definitely not going to replace potato chips, peanuts or pretzels on my snack list but they make an interesting addition. Addicting in a way. First taste was very strong greens but then it sort of grew on me. A friend of mine had raved about kale chips and she said I should try making kale chips in my quest for healthier eating. So I thought I'd give them a try. Took a whole ten minutes. Add any spices you like. I used salt, cayenne and garlic. Nice kick. But there is a fine line between crisp "chips" and burned. My track record is burned but I caught these in time. Exactly 11 minutes for mine at 350 degrees F, they were fine. My son prefers the Roasted Seaweed Snacks from Trader Joe's. I liked the kale. They sort of grew on me.

Handle carefully or you'll have flakes everywhere. Found that out quickly. And just don't sneeze near all those flakes!

Interesting could go either way, these were very good interesting. I wonder how it would work with spinach. I'll try that next. And cut them in smaller pieces. Live and learn.

Baked Kale Chips

1 bunch of kale, washed and dried really well
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt and pepper. to taste
cayenne pepper, to taste
garlic powder, to taste
or any other flavors you like

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Chop the kale in large bite size pieces (like the size of a potato chip) and toss well with the oil salt, pepper and whatever spices you choose. 

On a single baking sheet, lined with parchment or Silpat, arrange the kale in one layer then bake for about 10-12 minutes. The edges should be browned and the kale will be crisp. Watch carefully so it doesn't burn. 



  1. Hi Carol. I love Kale but, I am not so sure about Kale chips. It does sound a lot healthier than regular chips. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Hi, Eileen! I didn't like them at first but they grew on me. They were different. Probably would be good sprinkled on top of something. Have a great week!

  2. This sounds interesting. I like baked potato chips and feel less guilty eating them.

  3. we were just talking about these last night at dinner and here you are with them! Sometimes the whole healthy eating journey is interesting to say the least but if you give them an okay review then I'll try them soon.

  4. I have never tried this, been curious since I saw it on some cooking shows. I need to find some kale here

  5. I think I would like these too, especially with the seasonings you used. I'm glad you caught them before they burned :) I've been wanting to try these for a while!

  6. They sound interesting, haven't made up my mind if I really like kale or not...the only way I have eaten it is in soup.

  7. I like kale chips, but I haven't tried making them myself. Thanks for the warning about being easy to burn!

  8. I've heard these are very good but I haven't tried to make them yet! Thanks for the recipe! Hugs! ♥

  9. My friend's sister makes these all the time since she is a vegetarian. She loves them! Thanks for the recipe.

  10. I haven't tried these. I am not a big kale fan but maybe I'd like these? Funny about the sneeze.

  11. I've made kale chips and I feel the same way you do. You really can't replace chips with him, but they are an interesting change. I'll be interested to see how the spinach comes out.

  12. This looks great Carol...we actually still have kale growing in the hardy!

  13. I"ve heard both good and bad things about Kale chips,Carol, but I never tried making them. They must be a healthy snack and low calories so I'm going to give it a try next time I buy a bunch.

  14. I do love my green veggies, but I'm not sure I'm ready for kale chips!!!

  15. I see what you mean, it would be easy to take these just a bit too far in the oven! They'd be interesting to try.

  16. I've made these, but your additions sound great. They are okay, I liked them, but they don't replace potato chips at all!

  17. they look pretty good! It would be great if you try them with spinach and let us know how they turned out

  18. I have not heard of kale chips until now. I know about "grows on you" because I never eat kale, until one day, I added these in one of my soups. and I am loving it.

    I hope to try this. OK, I won;t sneeze!

  19. I made them a while back and enjoyed the crunch. I have to try it again soon. Like you said..definitely won't replace chips but its not too bad for a snack.

  20. I'm going to have to try these. Have a great week...

  21. Sounds very interesting,Carol!!I've never tried anything close to this so I'm really curious...Have a great week!

  22. That sounds good!
    Have a wonderful week,

  23. Interesting indeed, but not a snack for us I think!

  24. My girlfriend convinced me to try these gluten free cookies...let's just say I'll stick to my regular recipe. :) I haven't been brave enough to try these yet!

    1. The friend that recommended these is gluten-free! I think they are an acquired taste, it grew on me, not my kids.

  25. Sprinkled on hot popcorn! I gave them a try this summer after much encouragement and my family didn't like them at all. In fact, they looked at me like I had lost my mind. I was expecting too much, I think, from those who inhale Wise Potato Chips on a regular basis. No way that kale chips would ever compare. I, however, found that they grew on me, as well. I ended up sprinkling them on popcorn and found it to be a very tasty topping.

  26. Somehow I still haven't given kale chips a try...but I do have a large bunch in the fridge...hmmm.

  27. It is always nice to try and sneak some vegggies in our diets and also make them in a whole new way! I haven't tried anything like this but they sure look very yummy!

  28. I made kale chips a while back and must confess, I wasn't crazy about them. Must have made them correctly, because my daughter loved them. Oh well. I know they're good for you....

  29. we have a condiment here made out of fried local leaves, never had kale before, :), hope you are having a nice day :)

  30. Hmmm, I don't know! I like sweet potatoes, but didn't care for the chips. I think i would try a sm bag of store bought before i tried making them. I have only used kale to decorate platters, lol.
    You are adventurous! I think I'll have a raw carrot, lol!

  31. Carol, these kale chips look so simple and wholesome! I've got to try them one of these days. I'm so glad to have found your blog! Thanks for sharing.

  32. I see them sold at expensive health food store - great to know you can make your own!
    mary x

  33. Carol, I love these chips and have been making it I need to try it with garlic as well.
    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead :)

  34. Saw Rachel Ray make them the other day. Hers were burnt too. I'm with Kathleen ... think I'll pass. ;)

  35. I need to try to make these again. They are so expensive to buy, but when I've tried to make them, they either ended up soggy, burnt, or soggy AND burnt. :/ Maybe I'll use your recipe next time. :)

  36. I've see kale chips on the web for awhile but haven't tried making them. I bet they would "grow on me" too!

  37. I've been seeing these kale chips around but haven't made an attempt at them. Thanks for giving some tips and tricks for how to do them successfully

  38. I'm a HUGE fan of kale chips. I love them crushed into dust and sprinkled on popcorn. Yum!

  39. Well,I have never tried them,but they seem interesting!Blessings,dear Carol!

  40. I've been wanting to try these! Thanks for the recipe and if you can do it without burning, I guess I can too, LOL. Do you have to eat them right away, or can you store them for a couple of days or so?

  41. Love Kale Chips BUT they are very temperamental. I have burned mine way more times than not. Your look perfect. Will try 11 minutes in the future! ;)

  42. I made mine in a food dehydrator since I am 145 days into a rawfood diet, I made them 2 or 3 times, they taste yummy, but I couldn't get over the feeling of walking/munching my way through fallen leaves in autumn crunch... crunch... I think I like my leaves best fresh :)

    1. LOL, you are right, they did crunch like autumn leaves!


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