
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

This is what folks here in my neighborhood woke up to the morning after Hurricane Sandy...

I'll be taking a little break from blogging for a bit. We were very, very lucky. Minimal damage and power fully restored yesterday after 11 days without. Miraculous for us, considering the devastation.

To help those in need, please visit these pages...


  1. Just heartbreaking. Please take care Carol!

  2. Carol, Glad you & your family are o.k. My donation to the Red Cross was sent last week. They aided my town last October.

  3. What an amazing photo, Carol! Nice boats - but not on your lawn!! I read that the Statue of Liberty was turned on for the first time since Sandy.

  4. Carol, how terrible for ;you all. Can't imagine being without power for that long. Do take care.

  5. Oh, Carol, I didn't realize your were so close to such destruction. I hope things are beginning to get back to normal for you!

  6. So very sorry Carol. Take care of yourself & loved ones.

  7. hugs and so pleased your safe and now have power hugs

  8. I was beginning to think you were on vacation. I am sorry about the damage Sandy left on your neighborhood. But, I am glad you are Ok! Being without electric is horrible, we have gone a week without it years ago. We had to buy a generator after that storm. Take care and I wish some normalcy returns to you and your neighbors.

  9. I'm so sorry you experience those effects of Sandy but am happy to know that you and your family are well.

  10. My goodness,I had no idea you were among the ones affected by Sandy.. Glad to know that you and your family are well and that power was finally restored..Will keep you all and your neighbours in prayer, lots of hugs

  11. Sad sight! Very sorry for the loss.
    Take care!

  12. Holy cow! I can't imagine the devastation and add to that the freezing cold and snow. I donated and I made soup for the blog cause but I wish I could do more.

  13. Carol, I had no idea you lived in this area. I live in NYC and watching the storm and its aftermath everyday is just heartbreaking. I'm so glad you got your power back and that you all came through it safely. Take care and hang in there.

    1. Diane, I'm on the South Shore of Long Island. My family was extremely lucky!

  14. It's good to hear that you have power once again after such a dreadful experience. Stay safe, stay warm!

  15. Hi Carol,
    Don't know where you live but we're living the same thing. We have a house at the New Jersey Shore in Chadwick Beach. Horrible devastation all around us. All power, gas, water, etc. turned off and we are not yet allowed back in. Best of luck to you and your neighbors. Judy Morano

    1. South Shore of Long Island, Judy. My family was very, very lucky, minimal damage considering all the devastation around here. Best of luck to you and your family, Jersey got slammed so badly. I hope by now you are able to get back in.

  16. Heartbreaking what is going on, and still so many without power. My sister is still without.
    And then those who have lost everything and are afraid to leave because of all the looting.

    2 weeks and they still have no help!

    Glad you are back on!

  17. So much devastation to your area...glad to hear that power is being is getting too cold to not have heat. I hope the rest of the recovery moves along a little faster...we are thinking of you.

  18. So glad to hear you are okay. I'd been wondering about you! Take care!

  19. The damage is unbelievable. I'm so glad to hear that you weren't affected too badly, although I'm sure many of your neighbors and friends were. Take care, and I'll look forward to your return to blogging, whenever that is.

  20. Glad to hear that you and your family are ok , my brother and his family are in Long Island and just got power back also. Take care and well be waiting when you return to the blog!!

    1. Glad they got power back, LIPA was the worst about even just giving info.

  21. Wow, that is crazy. I'm glad to hear your power is back, but the blogging break is definitely understandable. Take care!

  22. Thanks for all the good wishes. I really appreciate the good thoughts. We were so lucky, miraculous actually! Still working on cleaning up. Looking forward to cooking and blogging again soon.

  23. Carol, I know what you have been through. You are very lucky, and your lives will return to normal soon. I look forward to your cooking again!!

  24. Oh my gosh Carol - I'm so glad everything worked out alright in the end and you didn't have a ton of damage (plus got power back!).

  25. Thank goodness you were safe my friend, I hope all this damage is gone soon - look forward to your return!


  26. I am so glad you and your family are safe and suffered minimal damages! Hope everyone will eventually recover! Take care!!

  27. I'm so very glad to hear that you're ok! I hope that all remains well and we're all looking forward to your delicious food again =)

  28. Wow, glad you okay but I understand how heartsick you are about all the devastation - we've been through several terrible hurricanes here in North Carolina and it really hits you hard even if you don't have a ton of personal damage. Hope the recovery goes quickly and things begin to feel somewhat normal again very soon!

  29. Still thinking good thoughts for you, dear heart.

  30. So glad you're okay! Thinking of you and your family!

  31. Sheesh, that looks bad. Good to hear you are alright. Thinking of you!

  32. Oh Carol...pretty scary...glad that you and your family are fine.
    Take care!

  33. scary sight...glad to know you are ok...

  34. So glad to hear you and your family are safe. It must have been so scary. Linda.Dahlianut

  35. Happy to know that your family got through the storm safely...I hope you life is back to normal as soon as possible. I know what everyone is going through as I lived through Hurricane Andrew. Take care.

  36. That is so unbelievably sad. I see you are still on break. I'm keeping everyone in my prayers. God bless, my friend!

  37. have been praying that you and your family are safe and sound. Take care

  38. Thank you all so much for the prayers and good wishes! We're slowly getting back to normal and I appreciate all the good thoughts :)

  39.! You have been in my thoughts and prayers! I'm so happy you and your family are okay. I pray that things get back to normal for you soon.

  40. Wow!! That's crazy! Being from Florida I've seen many scenes like that after the hurricanes and tropical storms. So glad you had minimal damage, but 11 days without power is a long time to go. Nobody can really imagine how hard it is unless they've been through it. Hope things are getting back to normal for you now. Sending thoughts and prayers your way!

  41. I'm keeping you in my thoughts, Carol

  42. Thank you all for all the good wishes. We were so lucky, really lucky, and we are pretty much getting back to normal at our house. And I finally cooked something :)

  43. Well that explains why I've been missing you, so glad you are OK. Wow never have seen devastation which looks so clean and pristine, suppose no dirt or grime could stand up to that super-storm Sandy powerwash.

    1. Thanks! It was plenty messy here. But we definitely got a powerwash :)

  44. HI Carol, I am so sorry about the devastation there. I have not been actively reading blogs in the last few months and missed your posts. I am glad you were spared heavy damage but having to be without power so long certainly sounds taxing. Please take care and know that I am glad to hear that your town is putting things back together.

    1. Hi Geni! Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it so much. Doing well here, just slow to post these days, busy with family. Going over to your blog now to see what's cooking by you :)


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