
Monday, March 11, 2013

Pan-Roasted Bay Scallops

Finally back after a little break. More than a little break, time really flew. Hoping to get in more blogging, more cooking and more blog visits. It's been a hectic few months,  a long crazy winter and we're really looking forward to some nice Spring weather. At least the kind that brings flowers instead of 60 degrees one day and a blizzard the next.

 We have to replace a lot of our landscaping in the front of our house because of the flooding from the hurricane and it will be really nice to finally see green and some color other than brown grass and crispy leaves this Spring. Today the gardener came to remove some of the trees and shrubs. New sod soon. Sinkholes were filled in. Things are coming along.  We were so lucky, considering.

And I have been making up for lost time with the shellfish allergy. Really making up time. I am still not sick of lobster, shrimp or clams. Although the family probably is by now. 

Tonight was Bay Scallops.  Pan-roasted. And so good.

It's really good to be back posting, and good to be cooking again. Starting to get tired of take-out. 

Hope you all are doing well :)

Pan-Roasted Bay Scallops with Bread Crumbs and Lemon

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs, preferably from brioche or challah
salt and freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 pounds bay scallops
1 large shallot, thinly sliced
1 small Meyer lemon
1/4 cup white wine, Sauvignon Blanc
1 tablespoon chopped parsley

In a large skillet, melt one tablespoon of butter. Add the bread crumbs, season with salt and pepper and cook over moderate heat, stirring so the crumbs don't burn, about 3-4 minutes. When the crumbs are golden brown and crisped, remove them to a plate.

Wipe out the skillet. Add the oil and heat on high until it shimmers. Add half a tablespoon of the butter and let it melt. Add the scallops, season with salt and pepper and brown, about 2 minutes.

Add the shallots and the remaining butter in the skillet.  Add the juice of a small Meyer lemon and the white wine. Cook over moderate heat until the liquid has reduced, about 4 minutes.

Check for seasoning. Remove from the heat and stir in the parsley. Sprinkle the toasted bread crumbs on the plates, add scallops on top of the crumbs and serve.

I'm joining



  1. Wonderful to see you back, Carol!

    e are all about adding more seafood to our meals so I would love to try this. I'm so happy you can eat shellfish again :)

  2. So glad to have you back! Good that things at home are moving along too.

    Your bay scallops rock.


  3. Carol, I was so happy to see you pop up on my blogroll! Pan Seared Scallops are one of my favorites. Spring & warm weather in the northeast are so close!

  4. Yummy, I love scallops! Wonderful recipe, thanks for sharing. I so happy to see you blog show, glad things are back to normal. Wishing you a happy day!

  5. I love scallops and now I can find them even here! Beautiful dish Carol and welcome back!

  6. It's so good to see you back- hope all is going well.

  7. Carol, so excited to have you back! You have been terribly missed.
    Thank you for sharing this delicious scallop recipe.

  8. Yes, of course I'd be thrilled with your scallops—and I'm ecstatic that you're able to enjoy seafood. But, Carol, what makes me happiest of all, is seeing you back!
    It's a good day :)

  9. Welcome back! I missed you :-) The scallops sound wonderful.

  10. It's so nice to see you back!! I've really missed you. Your scallops look absolutely wonderful. I don't think I would ever tire of having them.

  11. Welcome back, Carol! Your dinner looks delicious. I never get sick of seafood...just wish I could find a place that has good stuff...unfortunately the prairie offers little in the way of, even passable, seafood!

  12. Thank you all so much for the welcome back and the kind words :) I've missed you all as well, and it's so nice to be back!

  13. Welcome back,sweet Carol!We have missed you a lot!The scallops look wonderful!
    Many many kisses from your greek friend!
    Take care:)))

  14. Wow, these bay scallops look awesome, simple and yet so tasty...I love it.
    I hope you are having a great week and so glad to see you back Carol :)

  15. Hi Carol,welcome back, we've missed you! Glad that things are almost back to normal.. This is a very nice dish you've made! Enjoy the rest of the week, XOXO

  16. I'm so happy to see you back at blogging! Glad things are going good and your house is coming together! Thanks for sharing this recipe with Foodie Friends Friday this week! It looks delicious! Come back to VOTE on Sunday! Enjoy your weekend.

  17. Welcome back!! I love scallops, enjoy them :)

  18. Hi Carol and welcome back!
    Your Scallops look delicious! Have a great St. Patrick’s Day and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  19. Carol, welcome back! I don't read many blogs, but definitely missed yours. Good to hear gardeners are getting ready to revamp the yard. Are you selecting the same shrubs & trees or trying something different?

    Made your pulled pork this week. We're having some tonight.

  20. Welcome Back! I missed you!! Glad to hear things are coming along with this house, that must be so hard!!! These look beautiful. I rarely make scallops!

  21. Welcome back and with such a delicious recipe :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  22. I could win some major points in this house if I surprised Margaret with this meal. Welcome back.

  23. I could win some major points in this house if I surprised Margaret with this meal. Welcome back.

  24. Welcome back, Carol. A yummy recipe you have here and hope all is well with you soon.

  25. What a fabulous way to party on with the shellfish. :) This looks incredible!

  26. Best wishes for a Happy Resurrection Day, Carol, both to you and your family!!!

    1. Thank you! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  27. Carol, just letting you know that your link to Food on Friday: Lamb was featured in my Need Some Inspiration? Series today. Have a nice week.

  28. Welcome is good to know that progress is being made on your home. I have some bay scallops in the freezer...I need to get them defrosted.

  29. Glad you are making up for lost time. Mike likes scallops, especially when we get them here fresh.
    Looks good!

  30. yum...I love scallops. This is very unique with the bread crumbs. Love the contrast in texture.


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