
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mac n Cheese...

I finally made a decent batch of mac n cheese. After quiet a few flops. You can use light cheese in this recipe from the April issue of Cooking Light. I used whatever I had on hand. No light cheeses. It came out great. We finally enjoyed a nice bowl of creamy mac n cheese. Finally.

Although compared to this one from way back, anything is an improvement :)
We needed to actually scrape it off the plate.

 But this one was light, creamy and cheesy. Perfect. and it had a nice toasted bread crumb topping.

Easy Mac and Cheese
original recipe from Cooking Light, April 2013

1 box elbow macaroni
2 cups 1% low-fat milk
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
dash of ground red pepper
3/4 cup Velveeta cheese, cut in chunks, or shredded
2/3 cup extra-sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt, more or less to taste
1/4 cup fresh breadcrumbs (I used brioche)

Preheat broiler.

Cook pasta according to package directions; drain.

While the pasta cooks, combine milk, flour, and red and black peppers in a saucepan, stirring with a whisk. Bring to a boil; keep stirring, cook until thick, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat.

Add cheeses and salt; stir until smooth. Add pasta, and stir to coat. Spoon mixture into a baking dish. Sprinkle breadcrumbs evenly over top; broil 2 minutes or until browned. Watch carefully so the breadcrumbs don't burn.


  1. This looks yummy! Maybe I can convert my grandchildren, who are firm fans of the from-the-box mac and cheese.

  2. Yummy looking...that is my favorite comfort food, no one could make it quite as good as my mother! I might need to make some for dinner tonight. Have you ever tried it with Cabot's habanero cheddar...heaven! I always put a little bit of dried mustard in mine, too.

    1. Great idea about the habanero, we'll try it! Thanks Marigene.

  3. I make Annie's organic mac & cheese for Mack every Monday. He thinks it's called Mac n Cheese because it's Mack's cheese - LOL. I'd love to try this recipe to see if he would eat it instead of having to buy the boxed stuff which can get expensive.

    1. Lol, that is funny! I hope he likes it. My kids will eat any kind of Mac n cheese.

  4. Mac and cheese is my favorite! I will try your recipe soon, thanks for sharing!

  5. Nothing better than a good Mac & Cheese! I had to chuckle at the first pic-been there, done that:@)

  6. I have always had a problem with grainy mac and cheese, I will have to give this a try it looks creamy and delicious.

  7. An ultimate comfort food! Love this!

  8. I love mac n cheese! Sadly, my husband won't eat it - he ate boxes of Kraft macaroni and cheese when he moved for a job and was waiting for his first paycheck to buy real food. He said after eating that for 1.5 weeks, he'd never eat another mac n cheese and he hasn't - not even my homemade version!

  9. Glad you found one you liked. I have made my recipe a hundred times and never had a problem , it is pretty close to this recipe.

    My gsons only eat Kraft! Lily loves mine though. Someday those boys will learn!

    Hope all is well!

  10. Mac and cheese looks good. The beautiful thing about it is there are so many ways you do make mac and cheese. Me personally I like to add some bacon bits on top along with the cheese :)

  11. I love mac and cheese!! I haven't made homemade one actually, but I'll be sure to make some soon!

  12. This is one of those things I eat when I feel ill. Like my bro who eats egg in a cup. Very soothing stuff, mac and cheese.

  13. Pasta and cheese is just a heavenly combo!Love your dish!
    many kisses,sweet Carol!

  14. That is comfort food at its finest, Carol. Simply delicious!

  15. You know, I've never, ever made mac and cheese. I'd like to try because my husband loves it.

  16. Looks so creamy! Mac & Cheese is comfort food.

  17. This looks yummy! Maybe I can make it ;o) My son is the one who makes awesome mac and cheese. I never even try!

  18. I love, love, love mac & cheese. It's my favorite comfort food. This looks like a great version! Hope all is well in your corner of the world!

  19. Hi Carol,

    I prefer your lighter version of Mac n cheese... It looks creamy and delicious with less guilt! Sounds perfect to me :D


  20. Mac n cheese is one of those foods that I always eat way too much of. A favorite of mine and I like the sound and look of yours!!!

  21. My friend Alice made an amazing mac and cheese and mixed egg in to make it more creamy-- it was so good!

  22. I love to return back to classics from time to time. This is a very inviting all time classic meal!

  23. It is good to see you blogging again, Carol! I am so glad you are able to enjoy seafood again, too!

    Life has been hectic for me but I am loving every second of taking care of my granddaughter during the day as my daughter went back to work full time. We have had a lot of snow here in Colorado this spring --in fact we had 8 inches yesterday! I hope summer treats us better!

  24. This looks super delicious :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  25. Don't think I ever made it. Dig having it with stewed tomatoes at our local diner.

  26. I love mac-n cheese but limit making it to four times a year. Your recipe looks fantastic and makes me hungry for it and its only seven o'clock in the morning.

  27. This is the kind of creamy, cheesy goodness dreams are made of. No low-fat ingredients allowed. Ever. It's mac and cheese, for Pete's sake.

  28. Oh...this mac n Cheese looks great. I've tried a few recipes and nothing I liked yet. I'll definitely give this one a try next time. :) Thanks for sharing.

  29. MMmm.
    comfort food to the MAXxxxxx!

  30. I saw this title and had to come over and comment. Just last week I finally made a decent batch of Mac and Cheese and on the stovetop. Isn't it just about the best thing ever!

    1. Love mac n cheese. I usually screw it up though LOL! Going over to check out your recipe!

  31. That looks amazing. I saved the recipe so I could try it.


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