
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chicken Parm Meatballs and Spaghetti

This was one of those last minute dinners. With the internet, blog lists and a cookbook addiction there are a million places to get recipes. Not to mention magazines. Still getting those, too. So I don't lack for ideas, just that I am better at procrastinating. I'll cook tomorrow. We'll order in today. Then the mail came and I got the October issue of Martha Stewart's Everyday Food and I knew there would be no procrastinating about cooking dinner. No being lazy. Had to pick up a few things but I knew these would go over really well with my family. They did. And they made a great lunch sandwich next day on crusty bread. So good. Already have orders to make this again. Soon. And we don't even like ground chicken. But they looked so good in the magazine.

You can see the fresh mozzarella oozing from the meatballs. It was really a fantastic dish!

Spaghetti and Chicken Parm Meatballs

salt and pepper
3/4 pound spaghetti
1 3/4 cups plain dried breadcrumbs
1/2 cup milk (I used 1%)
1 1/2 pounds ground white-meat chicken
1 - 1/2 cups olive oil
1 egg white
4 ounces fresh mozzarella, cut into small pieces
3 cups marinara sauce (homemade or jarred)
chopped fresh parsley
freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 350°. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta according to package instructions; drain.
In a large bowl, combine 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, milk, egg white, a teaspoon of salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Add chicken and mix together until just combined. In a medium  skillet, add the oil to about one inch or so. Heat oil on medium-high heat.
Place remaining breadcrumbs in a dish. Gently form mixture into balls, and place mozzarella pieces in center of each, then form back into a ball around cheese. Coat balls in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown, turning once. With a slotted spoon, transfer meatballs to a paper-towel-lined rimmed baking sheet and let drain for a minute.

Discard paper towels and transfer baking sheet to the oven. Bake the meatballs until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Serve with the spaghetti and sauce. Top with grated cheese and parsley. Serve.

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It's open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share! 


  1. What a treat! so delicious looking with that cheese oozing through!!!
    Mary x

  2. Yummy, and we do like ground chicken (as long as I am the one grinding it)! I hadn't thought of filling the meatballs with mozzarella, though.

  3. Oh,wow! These look so delicious! Love the idea of a chicken parm meatball. I think this meal would go over well anywhere Carol!

  4. That looks delish! I wish I had all the ingredients to make that tonight! Great recipe!

  5. i am all for cheesy pasta meals... this would be loved by everyone i know ;)

    and awwww... i just saw your "always thyme to cook family" cartoon at the bottom on this blog. it's soooo cute!!!

  6. wow this is amazing no wonder you were eager to make it

  7. My 2 favorite Italian dishes in one!

  8. They really look amazing,Carol! It's no surprise you were asked to repeat..This recipe is a keeper! :)

  9. yummm!! love the sight of that cheese oozing out.

  10. Biting into the meatball and having the cheese ooze out has to be a delicious surprise.

  11. These look terrific. No wonder everyone loved them!

  12. What a great idea! Love the name and using the fresh mozzarella! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Please come back on Sunday to VOTE!

  13. Mmmm, love the look & the sound of these, delish.

  14. The weather is cooling off and I'm starting to crave wonderful comfort food recipes just like this. I'm not crazy about ground chicken or turkey but it look likes there are lots of other flavors going on. Yum!

  15. I think it looks and sounds fantastic.

  16. This looks fantastic, Carol, and so much healthier than the usual beef meatballs. If you don't normally like ground chicken either but liked these then they must be good!

  17. I have never tried ground chicken Carol but these patties look absolutely perfect! No wonder you had orders for a second round!

  18. What an irresistible meal!It looks amazing!I hope you are fine,dear Carol!I haven't stopped by for such a long time due to lack of time. This year I won't have enough time to blog:(
    God bless you,my dear friend!Take care!

    1. I hope all is well, Lenia. I will miss your wonderful posts! You take care, hope to hear from you again soon.

  19. An Italian twist on chicken parmigiana? My family will love this thank you :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  20. Oh super yum! I like that it's an integrated pasta dish by making it spaghetti and meatballs versus the standard chicken parm.

  21. I want to move in with you. I can do dishes.

    1. LOL, as long as you do the dishes! You'd have to be better than my kids who always manage to occasionally throw a fork or spoon out by accident.

  22. That oozing mozzarella! :D Drat, now I have to find a way to adapt this lovely recipe... they look so delicious!

  23. Pasta!! Save me a plate. My goodness, that looks so hood. I probably eat too much pasta but I love it. I am going to check out your cookbook challenge now :-)

  24. Oozing cheese is a wonderful thing. Wonderful.

  25. The sound of this is making me drool and I haven't even had breakfast! Why is Italian universally appealing?

  26. I am making this for Sunday dinner tomorrow.

  27. The cheesy chicken meatballs look so great. I am not sure if I made these, the meatballs would make it to the pasta before I had finished all of them! Gotta double the portion!

  28. Geez, we just made a big batch of meatballs for the freezer. I wish I had seen this before hand. I would have added the cheese like that. Looks delish, Carol!

  29. I haven't looked at the October issue yet, but this is one of my favorite magazines and this looks awesome. Anything with cheese oozing out is going to the top of my list :)

  30. Oh yeah, this are definitely a must-make-now kind of dinner.

  31. Yum! These look and sound great. Hope your week is treating you well! Cheers

    PS If you would like to pop by and put this into Food on Friday: Meatballs that would be great. There are 43 other meatball links there but your one looks like a keeper!

  32. Oh, I'm so going to try this. It sounds so good!

  33. I am going to have to try this receipt too. I love meatballs and spaghetti. YUMMY! I always love to stop by your blog to see what your are cooking. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  34. thanks for linking these in, Carol. Cheers

  35. looks like this was the perfect recipe to find that extra ounce of motivation for!

  36. Hi Carol,
    Your Chicken Parm Meatballs and Spaghetti look delicious, this is a great recipe. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  37. Carol, we will love this! I saw it in the magazine, and am so glad you tried it. I'll be putting it on the menu for this weekend at camp.

  38. I never cook with ground chicken. Funny, I just clipped this out of this month's magazine! These look so delicious.

  39. This dish sounds simple and delicious,Carol!My kids will love this!

  40. Digging the leftover sandwich idea

  41. thanks for sharing this recipe!! I have some ground chicken that i can make into these awesome meatballs! Can't wait to try it. Beautiful as always!

  42. These look really good! Mike won't eat ground chicken though, but I would try them. I wonder if they would work baked, as I don't fry my meatballs.

    1. Probably be fine baked. I'll try that next time! Good idea.

  43. This looks amazing! I get this magazine too and this very recipe caught my eye. So glad it was a hit! My husband wants me to try the shrimp meatballs first, though. Did you see those?

    1. Thanks!
      Have to go back and look, I bet shrimp meatballs would be great. I'm allergic to shellfish but I'm sure my family would love them.

  44. This dish looks so yummy and comforting for this time of year. I love the oozing cheese peeking out.

  45. Can you substitute whole wheat bread or the bread that has the seeds in it for the bread crumbs? Thanks!

    1. I don't see why not. I'd go with whole wheat rather than something with seeds, but that's just me.


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