
Friday, September 21, 2012

Shaved Brussels Sprouts

There's something to be said for convenience. And safety :) We really like Brussels Sprouts and shredded is a nice change from roasting them whole. The thought of shaving those little round sprouts on a mandoline kind of scares me. Green cabbage is one thing. Teeny sprouts are another. When I was at Trader Joe's last week I saw bags and bags of Shaved Brussels Sprouts! Problem solved. I have all my fingers intact. I'm sure there's plenty to do with this, probably great as a slaw, in a salad. But all I did was saute it with some garlic, pancetta and toasted pine nuts. Excellent. I went back to Trader Joe's for more. And ended up with three full bags of other stuff, too. Yeah, I'm also one of those shoppers who buys new and improved, and all the cute junk by the register. An advertiser's dream :)

Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta and Pine Nuts 

1 1/2 pound Brussels sprouts (or 1 bag store-bought shaved)
1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil
4 ounces pancetta, cut crosswise into thin strips (or tiny cubes, if you have thick pieces of pancetta)
salt and freshly ground black pepper
handful of pine nuts, toasted in a small dry skillet
1/2 -1 tablespoon butter (optional)

Carefully use a sharp knife or mandoline to thinly slice Brussels sprouts crosswise (or buy a bag that is already shaved.) Discard the root ends.

Add olive oil into a large skillet over medium-high heat; add pancetta and stir until slightly crisp, about 5-7 minutes. Add Brussels sprouts, and cook, stirring often, until sprouts are bright green and tender, about 5 minutes. Add the toasted pine nuts. Stir in a little butter, if using. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

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  1. We have a large store called Wegmans here. I saw shaved Brussel Sprouts at a cooking demonstration while shopping there once. The recipe was much like yours and we loved it! I don't know what I did with the recipe, so I am going to pin yours and make it for my family.

    Thanks for linkin gup to Foodie Friends Friday.

  2. This looks delicious, Carol, and perfect for an autumn meal. A Traders Joe is coming to Denver, so I'll be all set to buy these shaved brussel sprouts when I move.

  3. I love the addition of pine nuts and pancceta! Great dish,Carol!

  4. Dear Carol, I love brussel sprouts and this sounds delicious especially with the pancetta. Blessings, Catherine

  5. Looks really good! Carol, in the past I always shredded cabbage for cole slaw. One day reading your post about using packaged shredded cabbage made me think again. I now always buy the package whenever I need it. :) Thanks!!!

  6. Yummy, sprouts are one of my favorite veggies. I had no idea they came already shredded...TJ's here I come!

  7. I'm a kindred shopper, Carol. I get sucked in every time. This dish looks wonderful. I've never had shaved brussels sprouts; but I think this must be sooo good with the pancetta and pine nuts. Yum!

  8. OMG!!!!! We adore Brussels Sprouts and we often shave it or slice it as thin as possible by hand. And by "we" I mean I always have to recruit my husband because it takes forever to get the whole pound or pound and half cleaned and shaved. Our Trader Joes is opening very soon ... I will be looking for this. Thanks so much for posting about it.

  9. I have never thought to shave my sprouts! And I have pine nuts in the freezer..

  10. This recipe may get me to finally give Brussels Sprouts a try. Buying a bag already shaved definitely sounds like the safer option, lol!

  11. Even though I live in Brussels, I'm not that acquainted with the sprouts... Perhaps this is a good opportunity!

  12. I was just at trader joes and missed these, what a brilliant idea! This recipe looks awesome.

  13. I NEED to try this! I think I'd like the texture better by shaving it instead of eating a meatball-sized mini-cabbage. ;)

  14. You can actually buy them shredded? Wow :D I wouldn't want to try shredding them myself. It does make for a nice change though :)

  15. What a delicious side, I have never seen brussel sprouts look so tasty :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  16. Now this I am going to try - today! Brussel sprouts are so good for you but I can get bored with just lightly boiling them. Have a great week.

  17. I hardly ever cook Brussel sprouts but this recipe looks really good! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Please come back on Sunday to VOTE!

  18. Looks like I need to drop by Trader Joe's. Never seen shaved sprouts for sale before. How convenient! Sounds delish sauteed with pancetta :).

  19. Hello Carol, this recipe does sound delicious. I love shopping at Trader Joe's. I will have to look for the shredded sprouts. Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend!

  20. Pancetta adds a certain ooomph to everything! I may even get my husband to eat brussel sprouts if I added pancetta.

  21. This sounds very interesting, Carol. Never came across shaved Brussel sprouts. I can't eat them they make me so gassy you wouldn't want to be near me if I did:)

  22. We love brussels sprouts! I am so with you about shaving them on the mandolin. I just took a chunk out of my thumb while slicing cucumbers.

  23. Yes, please! I love brussel sprouts but have a hard time getting the rest of my family to jump on the bandwagon. I'm definitely going to try this recipe, although I don't have a mandolin (too hazardous for me!)

  24. I see stalks and stalks of them at the farm stands. Wouldn't the slicing blade on the Cuisinart work for this?
    I will have to try it and let you know.
    They look good! I guess frying them with the pancetta takes away the healthy label! :)
    That's the only way I like cooked cabbage, shredded and fried with onions and bacon.
    Enjoy this gorgeous Sunday!

  25. LOL the scary thought of shaving Brussels sprouts on my mandoline was the first thing when I read your headline too! Unfortunately I have never seen them pre-cut in the stores. Glad to know you still've got your fingers! Oh well, otherwise you could have left out the pancetta? ;P

  26. I'll have to hit Trader Joe's when we visit Nick in Albany. We don't have one which might be a good thing :-) This sounds very good!

  27. Good to know about Trader Joe's shaved Brussels Sprouts! We're getting a new TJs closer to where we live next month - YAY! I've actually sliced them by hand and it takes forever but I love the taste of sliced/shaved much better than whole ones. This sounds delicious, Carol!

  28. What a great product! I'd be afraid of shredding them too.

  29. I saw these at Trader Joe's the last time I was there; this looks like a wonderful recipe to use for them. Thanks for sharing.

  30. I have made a similar dish to this recipe in the past ... and shredded the Brussels Sprouts by hand! GAh!

  31. That sounds yummy. I'd like pine nuts in a Brussels sprouts dish. I've shredded Brussels sprouts with a takes awhile.

  32. Hi Carol,
    We just love Brussels Sprouts and this is a fabulous dish packed with flavor! Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  33. Oh dear Lord, pancetta and pine nuts?! I'm drooling. No, really. What a lovely idea for fall and side dishes.

  34. I love brussels sprouts--definitely one of my favorite vegetables, even if they get a lot of hate from people! :D I'm convinced they're just not cooking them right!

  35. This looks yummy. I like sprouts with nutmeg and a little butter.

  36. I have been trying to add more Brussels sprouts to our mrnue. This looks like a great way to do that!

  37. Just bought some Brussels sprouts, but I will have to shave them myself. I love it with bacon and nuts.

  38. I can tell you for sure we do not have shredded Brussels sprouts in Greece! But you have intrigued me and I will try to find to make them myself. I hope after it I will have all my fingers intact lol! This is a beautiful dish and the toasted pine nuts and the pancetta just boosted the flavor!

  39. yum...thank you for this is new to me. great for thanksgiving...thank you!

  40. That looks tasty.

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  41. Looks tasty :-)

    I love Brussel sprouts with roast potatoes

  42. I bought those shaved Brussels Sprouts too, but I never got around to using them. I made a soup last year that had 'frizzled' Brussels Sprouts on top, and they were amazing! I like the addition of pancetta, sounds yummy.

  43. I haven't seen these at TJ's - thanks for the tip. I think I'll be trying this recipe soon, sounds delicious!

  44. What a healthy and hearty dish! Love brussels sprouts!! :D

  45. I have never thought of shredding or slicing brussel sprouts. I always cooked or steamed them whole and mayonaise on the side.

    Hmm, I could smell pancetta!

  46. One of my family's favorite veggies is a shaved and browned brussel sprout dish with pancetta and parmesan. I'm getting tired of making it to tell the truth. :)
    I love the simplicity of this dish...and the pine nut addition would be wonderful.

  47. I love brussel sprouts and just bought a whole bunch. I have never had them "shaved" so I can't wait to try this.

  48. That's so convenient! I definitely need to keep an eye out for those considering my love of the 'mini-cabbages' as my family calls them. I'm with you on not wanting to lose a finger to my mandoline!

  49. My sister has been making something like this for Thanksgiving the last couple years. By the way... I made a vegetarian version of the recent beef and broccoli dish. Nice sauce.

  50. as a little thank you for your lamby help I have submitted this post to Reddit - hope you get some nice extra page views for it! Cheers

    1. Thank you, Carole! That was really nice, I appreciate it!


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